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You're viewing Battalion Wars 2 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Battalion Wars 2
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2007-11-21 01:45:26
Views : 22021

Solar Empire concept art
Complete the first campaign.

All Wi-fi missions
Get an S rank in every single-player mission.

Concept Art
The unlockable concept art for the Extras' screen.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Anglo Isles Concept ArtBeat Western Frontier Flashback with all S
Iron Legion Concept ArtBeat Anglo Isles Campaign with all S
Tundran Territories Concept ArtBeat Iron Legion Flashback with all S
Western Frontier Concept ArtBeat Solar Empire Campaign with all S
Xylvania Concept ArtBeat Tundran Territories Campaign with all S

Unit Dossier
Beat the following Campaigns to unlock the Unit Dossier for that army on "Extra".
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Anglo Isles Unit DossierBeat Western Frontier Flashback with all A
Iron Legion Unit DossierBeat Anglo Isles Campaign with all A
Tundran Territories Unit DossierBeat Iron Legion Flashback with all A
Western Frontier Unit DossierBeat Solar Empire Campaign with all A
Xylvania Unit DossierBeat Tundran Territories Campaign with all A

Western Frontier concept art
Complete the first campaign with all "S" ranks.

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